Hab ich Glück oder was?
Random.org mag mich wirklich, glaube ich.Ich habe neulich bei Fab'n'funky Glück gehabt und was unglaublich Tolles gewonnen:
I think random.org likes me really.
At Fab'n'funky's I was the lucky winner of this absolutely great things:
Wunderschön, oder? Die Sachen sind übrigens von:
Beautiful, isn't it? These things are from:
Jennifer macht wunderschöne Sachen, die man auch auf ihrem Blog sehen kann.
I think random.org likes me really.
At Fab'n'funky's I was the lucky winner of this absolutely great things:
Wunderschön, oder? Die Sachen sind übrigens von:
Beautiful, isn't it? These things are from:

Jennifer makes so beautiful things, which you can also find on her blog.
Ich wünsche euch einen tollen Start in die Woche.
Have a great start into this week.
Liebe Grüße